Milk Peda Recipe
Malai peda is a lip smacking recipe which can be made under 15 mins. Malai Peda is a famous Indian dessert made from condensed milk and has an attractive golden texture.This recipe can be made for any festival or occasion. It can be made in microwave as well as on gas stove. I made it on gas stove as I feel more easy than microwave.
1.5 cups of milk powder
1 can of condensed milk
3 tbsp of ghee
1/4 tsp of cardamom powder
2-3 Drops edible yellow colour and kewra essence
Step by step milk peda recipe
Step 1. Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pan on medium flame.
Step 2. Now pour condensed milk in the pan. Mix it well with the ghee.
Step 3. Add milk powder,stir continuously and set the flame very low as milk burns very fast.
Step 4. Now add the cardamom powder, kewra essence and continue mixing without forming lumps.
Step 5. Add yellow food colour and stir till it get thickens.
Step 6. Let it cool down and shape them into desired shapes.
Step 7. Decorate Malai peda with pistachios/cashews/almonds.
This can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.
- Do not cook till it becomes a hard mass, just take it when it gathers a mass by not sticking to the bottom. When it is cools down slightly it will be thick.
- Do not add more than required milk powder else your peda will get cracked look.
Recipe card – Milk peda recipe

- 1.5 cups of milk powder
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 3 tbsp of ghee
- 1/4 tsp of cardamom powder
- 2-3 Drops edible yellow colour and kewra essence
Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pan on medium flame.
Now pour condensed milk in the pan. Mix it well with the ghee.
Add milk powder,stir continuously and set the flame very low as milk burns very fast.
Now add the cardamom powder,kewra essence and continue mixing without forming lumps. Add yellow food colour and stir till it get thickens.
Let it cool down and shape them into desired shapes.
Decorate Malai peda with pistachios/cashews/almonds.
This can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.
Leslie Baker says
Question: how do you make the ghee? What is kewra essence, I don’t see it listed in the ingredients list?
rachnaskitchen says
Hi Leslie,
Ghee is clarified butter which is easily available in any Indian grocery store but its easy to make at home as well. I’ll post a recipe for ‘making Ghee at home’ soon.
Kewra essence is a concentrated oil made from pandanus flowers used to flavor meats, desserts and beverages in Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine.This also can be found in any Indian grocery store.
I missed to list Kewra essence in ingredients list. Thanks for spotting it.
Rachna’s Kitchen
Marquis says
I am fascinated by the patterns on the fudge.
Do you use special tools to leave such prettey patterns?
Or can I use other readily available things in the kitchen to leave
equally pretty patterns? Thank you.
rachnaskitchen says
I have used cookie stamps which I bought online.
I think you are right, anything that leaves a pretty pattern canbe used.
Marquis says
Dear Rachnaskitchen,
Thank you for your reply.
Since your fudge is traditional, I wonder whether people in your country
have been using traditional pattern pressing tools or not. If there is anything
traditional, I would love to know. Thank you.
rachnaskitchen says
As far as I know, there are no such traditional patterns followed for this dish in India.At many places, people make this without any pattern at all. However, Any pretty pattern canbe used.
Marquis says
Thank you very much for your answer to my question on the patterns.
Now I have another question. When I tried this recipe, mine turned up like cookies, very cakey or powdery, not like yours, shiny and smooth. Could you tell me what to do next to improve mine? I am suspecting that I did not mix the milk powder and condensed milk long enough. Any other possible reasons?
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
(By the way, I tried to give you a thumb’s up rating, but could not make the computer system take it and show it.)
rachnaskitchen says
Glad to know that you tried this recipe but don’t know what went wrong. In my opinion you might have cooked the mixture long enough and maybe on high temperature so that it would have turned out brittle not soft and shiny.
Marquis says
Thank you for your answer.
I will watch the fire more carefully next time.
gayathri says
hii.. this recipe s vry good.. its vry easy to try.. 2day am gng 2 try ths.. b4 my query s cn i use raw milk instd of milk powdr.. plz ans me.. anywy thnx a lot 2 share such a wondrfl recipe.. ..haappy navratri..
rachnaskitchen says
Hi gayathri,
Thanks for query. I haven’t tried these peda with raw milk so I am not sure. But you can try it. Hope this recipe turns out successful for you.
gayathri says
hii. mam.. its vry pleasre to read ur valuable reply .. i tried ths recipe wth milk powder. i got appreciations frm my family members nd mt frnds.. so i shared ths recipe wth thm…. thnx a lot expecting more more wondrfl recipes frm u mam.. thnxx